


Phone: +6281339317358
Email: di.ym.utawobfsctd@ofni

Free standard shipping
on all orders.

Support forum
for over 24h

Address: Solo, Central of Java
Indonesia, 57135


When can i start the production of my orders?

We will start producing your order right after the Deposit or Down Payment has been received as we work directly with local artisans and craftsmen.

How do I know the satus of my order?

You can check the status of your order by entering My account and then selecting the Orders section on the left of the page.

클릭하에서 주문 번호를 참고 주문 상태에서 오른쪽 상단 코너입니다. 알 수 없는 경우 주문 번호를,당신은 그것을 찾을 수 있습니다 보고 당신의 순서는 확인 이메일을 보내드립니다.

When a shipping status has appeared on your order, you will be able to track your shipment on the shipping agent’s website.

참고로 당신의 패키지 정보를 추적할 것이 24 시간 표시에 운반 시스템입니다.

If you have any further questions, please contact us

무엇을 생산 납?

The production time estimation is 5-8 weeks for most products i.e.: homewares, home decor, handicrafts, or other smaller products. For furniture or bigger and more complex products, it takes approx. 7–10 weeks. This is to reduce the moisture in your furniture so they are perfect and proper kiln drying when ready to pack and ship.

For larger projects, production time will vary based on each case. For more info please contact us.